Het lukt me niet om de toon via deze link software matig te activeren.
1 ik open de blackbox in Kali Live
git clone https://github.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/Root-A-Toon-USB-Stick.git
cd Root-A-Toon-USB-Stick
- vervolgens word er een WiFI netwerk ToonRouter aangemaakt, en ik verbind Toon met dit netwerk
- ./activate-toon.sh
Before you continue I assume your Internet is shared over Wi-Fi from this computer 'kali'.
You are sure that the sharing works, maybe connect your phone to that Wi-Fi to check.
And that the root-toon.sh can not be used because your Toon was not activated yet.
This script may contain more instructions in future, based on what we run into.
I used it to activate 1 Toon 1, got a software update screen and put that in the instructions.
That's why you see EITHER OR after you press [enter] to continue.
First bring up your Toon and wait until it is in the activation screen.
Connect to your Wi-Fi and wait until the service center is connected.
and you are able to push the 'activate' button.
Then, press the activate button on the Toon but don't give it a code yet.
Then press [enter] to go on with this script.
You do not get an activation screen but a software update screen.
Press the buttons you need to continue to get the update.
Downloading and installing takes a long time....
Be patient, after the installation your Toon will reboot.
After reboot you see the 'Installatie Wizard' screen.
Select 'Installeren'.
Now you see the 'Welkom' screen.
Select 'Activeren' in the narrow blue bar.
Don't give in a code yet.
Then press [enter] to go on with this script.
En vervolgens gebeurt er niets.
Op dit forum staat een oplossing,
maar dan moet je een Toon Recovery doen met Rasperry Pi
Zijn er nog andere manieren om Toon te recoveren? Wat gebeut er als ik Toon terug in de fabrieksinstellingen zet?
Finally succeeded!
Based on my experiences a short instruction.
So to all who have a Toon2 with software version 6.02 unrooted and want to root:
- Setup a RaspBerry Pi as Wifi Access Point with router functionality and make sure you have an SSID.
Instructions can be found on https://www.raspberrypi.com/documentati ... cess-point as part of https://github.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/Root-A-Toon
Make sure you can connect to the SSID and have stable internet connection!
In case this doesn't work try https://github.com/JackV2020/Root-A-Toon-USB-Stick and follow the instructions.
This one worked the best for me, installed Kali on USB stick and booted from laptop.
(make sure you setup the wifi SSID part)
- First execute recovery of Toon2 (recovery is something else the factory reset!!)
- After recovery is successfull, connect Toon2 to a normal network and make sure it has connected once but DO NOT upgrade!
- Reboot
- Connect to the SSID you have created on your RaspberryPi (or with Kali)
- Reboot
- Now its time to first Activate your Toon2
sudo bash activate-toon.sh
, follow the steps as described on https://github.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/Root-A-Toon and mentioned in the script, but still DO NOT upgrade!
- Reboot
- After the activation completed successfully you can start trying to TEST root based on https://github.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/Root-A-Toon
sudo bash root-toon.sh
or when based on https://github.com/JackV2020/Root-A-Toon-USB-Stick
sudo bash root-toon.sh test
but still DO NOT upgrade
- Reboot
- If Test root is successfull you can start trying to root your Toon2on https://github.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/Root-A-Toon
sudo bash root-toon.sh payload
or when based on https://github.com/JackV2020/Root-A-Toon-USB-Stick
sudo bash root-toon.sh root
but still DO NOT upgrade
- Reboot
- You can Upgrade now (via Software)
In case the update doesn't start automated, login via SSH (using Putty or somehting like that) and perform manualy the update.
Instructions can be found at https://github.com/ToonSoftwareCollective/update-rooted
Good luck!