Voor de geïnteresseerden nog de logging van het updateproces:
root@'s password:
sh /root/update-rooted.sh -v 5.5.7
Welcome to the rooted Toon upgrade script. This script will try to upgrade your Toon using your original connection with Eneco. It will start the VPN if necessary.
Please be advised that running this script is at your own risk!
Version: 4.48 - TheHogNL - 28-05-2021
If you like the update script for rooted toons you can support me. Any donation is welcome and helps me developing the script even more.
Forcing version: 5.5.7
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Now starting the VPN tunnel and waiting for it to be alive and configured...
Tunnel is alive and configured.
Upgrade script downloaded. We need to download the upgrade files first. No upgrade is done yet. Do you want me to download the files (yes) or quit (anything else)?
Starting the upgrade prepare option which downloads all necessary files. No upgrade is done yet.
Waiting to finish. Sometimes this takes a minute or two .
Done preparing.
Are your sure you want to upgrade to 5.5.7 (yes)? This is the last moment you can stop the upgrade. Answer with 'yes' will start the upgrade.
Starting the upgrade now! Just wait a while... It can take a few minutes.
Waiting to finish. Sometimes this takes a minute or two ...
Installing curl as in some update it is removed due to buggy dependencies...
Package curl (7.40.0-r1) installed in root is up to date.
Installing QT5 websockets
Installing libqt5websockets5 (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) on root.
Downloading http://feed.hae.int/feeds/nxt/oe/angelica-1.4.3-master-ca-2018-and-lighttpd/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon/libqt5websockets5_5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0_cortexa9hf-vfp-neon.ipk.
Installing libqt5websockets-qmlplugins (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) on root.
Downloading http://feed.hae.int/feeds/nxt/oe/angelica-1.4.3-master-ca-2018-and-lighttpd/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon/libqt5websockets-qmlplugins_5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0_cortexa9hf-vfp-neon.ipk.
Installing libqt5websockets5 (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) on root.
Installing libqt5websockets-plugins (5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0) on root.
Downloading http://feed.hae.int/feeds/nxt/oe/angelica-1.4.3-master-ca-2018-and-lighttpd/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon/libqt5websockets-plugins_5.11.2+git0+e71467cb56-r0_cortexa9hf-vfp-neon.ipk.
Configuring libqt5websockets-plugins.
Configuring libqt5websockets5.
/sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/libOpenVG.so is not a symbolic link
/sbin/ldconfig: /usr/lib/libcpufreq.so.0 is not a symbolic link
Configuring libqt5websockets-qmlplugins.
Upgrade done!
Restoring your iptables and passwd files so you can login again after rebooting.
Upgrade is done. However each firmware upgrade will revert the changes to some files needed for a working rooted Toon. Do you want me me to try and fix a few well known issue's for you right now?
creating backup of inittab...
creating backup of chrony.conf...
creating backup of hosts...
creating backup of config_happ_scsync.xml...
creating backup of qmf_tenant.xml.save ...
FIXING: Downloading resources.rcc TSC mod for this version 5.5.7.
FIXING: Now updating all toonstore installed apps
-- Updating custom app toonstore to release 5.1.3 ... DONE
EDITING: Time server, removes unnecessary link to Quby
EDITING: Hosts file, removes unnecessary link to Quby
EDITING: Disable add google DNS on top of resolv.conf
EDITING: disable ovpn connection to quby
EDITING: Activating Toon, enabling ElectricityDisplay and GasDisplay
EDITING: removing data gathering by Quby and whitelisting web services
EDITING: add disable power management wifi on Toon2
EDITING: add autobrightness feature on Toon2
EDITING: disabling Eneco subscription feature apps which are not working on rooted toons
EDITING: disabling KPI and weather happ as these are not necessary on rooted toons
EDITING: download certificate store pem file
EDITING: lighttpd so tsc/sensors is viewable via a browser
Everything done! You should reboot now! Do NOT power cycle! Just issue the 'reboot' command in your shell. Power cycling can cause file system problems.
qb-659916001600-1811A02NZ4:~# reboot
The system is going down for reboot NOW!600-1811A02NZ4 (pts/0) (Wed Jun 23 19